About Us

Vijay’s Chawalla is an old name in Green Street dating back to the 70’s. Best in East London for serving mouthwatering vegetarian street foods. Truly Indian foods inspired by the authenticity and the root of the food its originated from. 

Vijay’s has been featured in many magazines for its popularity. The Guardian featured ” Stick your nose through the door and you will be compelled to join the line. Deep wafts of tomato,
chilli and tamarind will draw you in, but the bhel poori will keep you coming back. “

Visit us when you are around; We are locaked in the heart of Green Street. 

268-270 Green Street, Forest Gate, London E7 8LF

Contact Us

268-270 Green Street, Forest Gate, London E7 8LF

0208 470 3535

We’re open 7 Days a Week from 11.30AM till 9PM